Biden Administration's Corruption in Environmental Grant System

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 45 days ago

**Corruption: Biden-Harris Administration Favors Environmental Allies in Grants**

In a stunning display of political favoritism, the Biden-Harris administration has allocated nearly $400 million in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants to its own environmental justice advisers.

This has raised serious questions about the integrity of the Biden administration's environmental funding processes.

Multiple leading environmental justice organizations connected to the White House have received significant financial backing, with four major groups netting a staggering $229 million in EPA grants alone.

These organizations are not just beneficiaries; they are also part of the administration's Environmental Justice Advisory Council, a setup that appears rife with conflicts of interest.

The groups, such as WE ACT for Environmental Justice, have been instrumental in shaping the administration's environmental justice agenda while simultaneously reaping the rewards of those initiatives.

The questionable practice of mixing advisory roles with grant allocation suggests a clear lack of oversight and transparency in how taxpayer money is distributed.

With figures like WE ACT's executive director Peggy Shepard chairing the advisory council and simultaneously benefiting from large grants, it raises the alarm about what some are calling self-serving financial dealings under the guise of environmental responsibility.

Critics argue that this arrangement reflects the administration’s prioritization of a political agenda over sound policy and effective action.

Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow at the Energy & Environment Legal Institute, called attention to the absence of any credible basis for the notion of environmental justice as it stands today.

He characterized the allocation of these grants as a blatant case of “massive financial self-dealing and political corruption,” underscoring just how detrimental this could be to communities purportedly served by these programs.

The Biden-Harris administration's grip on environmental policy has already been under scrutiny, especially with the roll-out of initiatives like the Inflation Reduction Act, which earmarks billions for environmental justice without clear accountability.

This pattern of behavior leads to significant concerns about the integrity of future environmental projects, especially considering that the EPA's oversight mechanisms are unproven and vulnerable to irregularities.

Moreover, the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice, initially charged with ensuring accountability, currently lacks a leader, suggesting that the agency may not be equipped to manage the vast financial resources it is responsible for allocating.

The implication is clear: without proper oversight, a toxic brew of political agendas and financial interests runs the risk of undermining the original purpose of environmental initiatives, leaving communities in the dark.

As the Biden administration continues to tout its commitment to environmental justice, the reality of its expenditure reveals a system rife with potential corruption and cronyism wrapped in the language of progressivism.

With so much at stake, American taxpayers and environmental advocates alike are left questioning the real motivations behind these grants and whether genuine environmental justice will ever be achieved in the current administration.


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