Woman's Calm Demeanor at Trump's Rally Sparks Suspicion

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 93 days ago

Woman's behavior during Trump's Pennsylvania rally raises eyebrows

During a recent rally in Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt. However, it was not just the attempt on Trump's life that has caught the attention of the public. A woman sitting behind Trump during the rally has sparked suspicion over her strange behavior.

Footage from the rally shows the unidentified woman, wearing sunglasses, a white shirt, and a black hat, calmly pulling out her phone as shots rang out. While everyone else, including Trump, ducked down to the ground in fear for their lives, the woman remained calm and composed.

The images have added fuel to some of the conspiracy theories being shared following Saturday's shooting. Some social media users have even theorized that the woman gave a nod before the first shot rang out, with one going as far as claiming that the woman was an accomplice. However, there is no evidence to support these wild allegations.

Others have argued that the woman's calm demeanor was due to the fact that mass shootings have become so common in America. One social media user said, "Is this how numb we are to gun violence in America? Watch the woman in white with the black hat right behind Trump. Rather than take cover or – I don't know – protect the child behind her – She takes out her phone and starts recording."

The attempted assassination of the former president has spawned a vast sea of claims, reflecting the frightening uncertainties surrounding the attack, as well as America's polarized political climate. That such wild speculation has exploded as Americans turned to the internet for news about the shooting is the latest sign of how social media has emerged as a dominant source of information – and misinformation – for many, and a contributor to the distrust and turbulence now driving American politics.

In other news, Star Wars actor Mark Hamill faced a backlash on Twitter for criticizing the size of Trump's ear bandage. Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker over 40 years ago and has done very little since, has been suffering from a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome for nearly a decade. This manifested itself once again when the actor appeared to suggest that Trump had deliberately exaggerated the size of the bandage on his ear to garner more sympathy.

Respondents didn't take too kindly to the post. "These clowns are so deranged they are now nitpicking the size of Trumps BULLET WOUND bandage…," responded YouTuber TheQuartering. "Donald Trump literally got shot two days ago and Mark Hamill is criticizing the size of his bandage," wrote another respondent.

Perhaps the best response came from a user called @SteveLovesAmmo. "Your dude hid in a basement during a 'pandemic' that had a 99.8% survival rate. Trump is out in public hours after being shot by one of the lunatics in your party," he wrote. "Sit this one out pussy."

As we previously highlighted, Hamill was also ridiculed for asserting back in April that "Joe Biden is the best president we've ever had."

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