CNN's Jennings Warns: Extreme Rhetoric Endangers Nation

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 54 days ago

CNN contributor Scott Jennings warns of consequences from extreme rhetoric surrounding Donald Trump.

During CNN's coverage of an attempted attack on former President Donald Trump, contributor Scott Jennings expressed concern over the extreme rhetoric surrounding Trump's potential second presidency.

Jennings stated, "Think about what you just said — we are one inch, one inch from something far more terrible tonight. The country is already shocked, and we are in bad need of healing and unity in this country, but we were one inch from something far worse."

He continued, "Republicans, I’m hearing from tonight, are shocked. They are worried about our country. They are worried about Donald Trump. They’re worried about the rhetoric around Donald Trump. I mean, I hate to say it, but the rhetoric around him over the last few weeks that if he wins an election, our country will end, our democracy will end, it’s the last election that we’ll ever have. These things have consequences, OK?"

Jennings emphasized the need for unity and healing in the country, and the importance of toning down the extreme rhetoric surrounding Trump. He also mentioned the attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice and the congressional baseball game where Steve Scalise was nearly murdered as examples of political violence.

Jennings concluded, "What I want to hear from all elected officials is this kind of hyperbolic extremism has consequences, and it must end. Yes, we are all shocked. And yes, political violence has no place. Where does it come from? It’s got to stop."

The former Jill Biden press secretary Michael LaRosa also weighed in on the situation, calling the standard set by the White House "f*cking terrifying." He criticized the White House staff and Biden's handlers for their handling of the situation, and questioned Biden's mental fitness.

LaRosa's comments come after Biden's "big boy" NATO press conference, where he introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as "President Putin," and said he wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if he didn't think she was not qualified to be president.

The White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates defended Biden, saying he is "just that f*cking good." However, many questioned the sobriety of the Biden handler and criticized him for his comments.

The extreme rhetoric surrounding Trump and the handling of the situation by the White House has raised concerns among Republicans and Democrats alike. The need for unity and healing in the country has never been more important.


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