Measles Outbreak in NYC Migrant Shelter Exposes Biden's Border Crisis

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 55 days ago

Breaking News: Measles Outbreak Reported in NYC Migrant Shelter as Biden's Border Crisis Morphs into Public Health Crisis

The Biden administration's disastrous open southern border policies have sparked an illegal alien invasion, raising the risk of contagious diseases spreading across the US. In a recent development, several measles cases have been identified among people living at one of the city's migrant shelters in New York City.

Two measles cases have been identified among people living at one of the city's migrant shelters, New York City health officials said. According to the health department, there are 11 cases of measles in New York City as of July 12. There was only 1 confirmed case in the city last year. The Hall Street migrant shelter has been a point of contention for Clinton Hill residents who have complained of an uptick in trash, noise, and street homelessness under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. The measles cases could add to those concerns because of how contagious it can be.

This outbreak comes as the Biden administration continues to grapple with a surge of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. The administration has had zero problems facilitating the illegal alien invasion, many of whom are unvaxxed and unvetted folks from third-world countries, and likely bringing contagious diseases to migrant shelters in sanctuary cities.

In early March, we pointed out in a viral post that a major measles outbreak was reported in the US as migrant shelters became infectious disease breeding grounds. The CDC is in Chicago trying to contain a Measles outbreak in a migrant shelter, while Americans had to get Covid shots to go to work or a restaurant, but the 10+ million migrants entering the country have none of the vaccinations that we actually need for public safety.

The Biden administration's failure to secure the border and enforce immigration laws has resulted in a public health crisis. The measles outbreak is just the latest example of the dangers posed by the administration's open border policies.

Conservatives have long warned about the risks of unchecked illegal immigration, and this latest outbreak is a stark reminder of the need for strong border security and immigration enforcement. The Biden administration must take immediate action to secure the border and protect the American people from the dangers posed by illegal immigration.


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