Biden Chooses Iran Over American Safety: Outrage Grows

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Outrage: Biden Administration Prioritizes Iranian Leaders Over American Safety**

At a recent rally in Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump voiced his outrage over the Biden administration's alarming prioritization of foreign leaders, particularly in light of threats against his life.

Trump disclosed that his rally venue was unexpectedly downsized due to the Secret Service being diverted to protect the Iranian president, a leader whose regime has openly called for violence against Trump.

“How can you guard an Iranian president who is looking to kill me while I can’t secure a venue and proper protection for my supporters?” he asked the crowd.

The contrast is stark: the Biden administration appears far more invested in ensuring the safety of Iran’s leadership than in providing security for a former president and potential candidate gearing up for the 2024 election.

This troubling situation reveals a deeper trend within the Democratic leadership, who seem willing to risk American safety for political maneuvering. Many within Trump’s camp have raised concerns that the federal government's policies under Biden reflect a broader pattern of negligence toward American citizens and a disconcerting sympathy toward hostile foreign nations.

Evidence of this troubling dynamic is further underscored by credible threats issued from Iran against Trump. In a puzzling move, the Biden administration has committed resources to protect an individual representing a government that harbors such hostility towards an American leader.

Critics are asking: What message are we sending when we prioritize the safety of foreign officials over our own?

The Biden administration's actions raise critical questions about their commitment to American interests and safety. Perhaps most concerning is the growing perception that the current leadership is more interested in appeasing foreign adversaries than protecting the rights and freedoms of American citizens.

As Trump aptly pointed out, this all seems to illustrate a disturbing trend of “America Last,” revealing a pivotal choice voters must consider as they head into the 2024 elections.

The stakes couldn’t be higher, and it’s crucial that Americans recognize the implications of an administration willing to compromise their safety for the sake of global optics.


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