Election Integrity Under Attack Ahead of November Elections

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Chaos** looms on the horizon as multiple jurisdictions across the country grapple with severe election-related issues just weeks before the highly anticipated November elections.

Amidst early voting, concerning reports reveal that voter rolls in various states contain troubling discrepancies, including non-citizens improperly registered to vote and instances of duplicate ballots being mailed out.

Rep. Bryan Steil, the Republican chairman of the House Administration Committee, spotlighted the disturbing trend of non-citizen voting, particularly in Washington, D.C. He emphasized the absurdity of allowing individuals who have been in the country for as little as 30 days to participate in local elections.

Steil stated, “In our nation’s capital, someone working at a foreign embassy could potentially walk into a polling station and cast a vote in municipal elections.”

This sentiment echoes across several states, where election integrity is under siege. For instance, Alabama recently identified and removed over 3,200 registered voters flagged as non-citizens. However, this proactive approach has drawn criticism from the U.S. Justice Department, which has sued the state, arguing that such actions violate federal laws regarding voter purges close to an election.

Despite the backlash, Alabama’s Secretary of State Wes Allen remains steadfast, refusing to succumb to pressure from liberal activists who seem more focused on keeping illegitimate voters on the rolls than ensuring the integrity of the electoral process.

In another alarming example, Georgia is revisiting its election processes following new discoveries regarding the potential mishandling of ballots in Fulton County during the contentious 2020 elections. This investigation could shed light on systemic issues and demonstrate the need for rigorous electoral oversight.

The record of non-citizen voting is not merely theoretical. Instances have surfaced across the nation, from Michigan to Texas, where foreign nationals were discovered on voter lists. Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently announced the removal of over 1 million ineligible voters, sending a powerful message about the commitment to clean and secure elections.

Meanwhile, Democrats have consistently opposed measures to strengthen election integrity, labeling initiatives like photo ID requirements as discriminatory. Steil expressed frustration, stating, “When we have an opportunity to increase Americans' confidence in the elections, we continue to see liberal Democrats push back against very commonsense reforms.”

As we approach Election Day, the question remains: Will the nation prioritize election integrity and uphold the democratic process, or will it continue to allow for vulnerabilities that undermine the very foundation of our system? The outcome in November may well hinge on the decisions made in these critical weeks ahead—a period that could determine not just the electoral landscape, but the future direction of the country.


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