Biden Administration's Failure in Protecting Vulnerable Children

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 2 hours ago

**Lost and Exploited: The Biden Administration’s Child Trafficking Crisis**

In a startling revelation, more than 300,000 children, who entered the United States illegally, have become unaccounted for under the Biden administration's watch.

Recent investigations have unveiled how the federal government, particularly the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is losing track of vulnerable children at alarming rates.

Since 2021, an alarming average of 400 unaccompanied minors have been smuggled into America each day.

These children are supposed to be placed with vetted sponsors through the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s Unaccompanied Children program.

However, evidence suggests that many are falling into the hands of unsavory characters, including criminal organizations like MS-13.

A recent report detailed shocking stories from children who were processed but lost once handed over to sponsors, often without proper oversight.

One investigation revealed that two boys, aged seven and ten, were delivered to an abandoned house in New York under dubious circumstances.

The conditions these children face highlight a systematic failure within the current administration’s immigration policies.

With nearly 291,000 of these children being released into the U.S. without a scheduled court date, their safety is in jeopardy.

Furthermore, 32,000 were given court dates but failed to appear, raising grave concerns over their whereabouts.

An alarming exposé revealed that among those known to have been sent to sponsors, many children were transported in the middle of the night, often away from the safety of their holding facilities.

One girl from a holding facility in Pomona, California, recounted how she and her friends were abruptly separated as they were sent to unknown sponsors in the dead of night.

Details emerged of a private contractor involved in moving these children, displaying ties to various federal agencies, including the CIA and Homeland Security.

This contractor, MVM, has reportedly secured lucrative contracts for escorting detained children but has come under scrutiny for the handling of these vulnerable lives.

Through door-to-door investigations, reporters found alarming instances of children reaching dubious locations.

The federal government’s reliance on contractors, without stringent oversight, raises serious questions about the shared responsibility for ensuring the safety of these children.

As the nation grapples with the implications of these findings, many are calling for a thorough congressional inquiry into the efficacy and morality of the current child resettlement policies.

The silence from the Biden administration on this pressing issue is deafening.

It’s a wake-up call that the future of these children cannot hinge on the broken system that failed them.

As Americans, we must seek accountability and demand actionable solutions to prevent these tragic outcomes in our immigration system.


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