Iran's Election Meddling: A Dire Threat Uncovered

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 3 hours ago

**Dangerous Meddling: Iran's Interference in U.S. Elections Exposed**

In an alarming revelation, it has come to light that the Iranian regime is actively meddling in U.S. elections, particularly in support of the Biden-Harris campaign.

This unprecedented intervention by a foreign power should raise significant concerns about the integrity of our democratic processes.

Iran has demonstrated a consistent pattern of aggression in the Middle East, exhibiting hostile actions towards allies like Israel while managing to exploit the current administration's leniency.

Just since October, Iran has launched over 150 attacks against U.S. troops in the region, in what appears to be a calculated message of defiance.

The Biden-Harris administration has effectively funneled nearly $60 billion to Iran over the last four years, enabling this expansionist regime to finance its military aggressions and deepen its hold over the region.

As President Trump has consistently warned, this financial windfall not only enriches Iran's leadership but also empowers its proxy militias, heightening the risks for U.S. interests abroad.

The recent revelations include an FBI report confirming that Iranian agents hacked into Trump's campaign communications, disseminating sensitive information to associates of the Harris campaign.

Such actions not only contravene the principles of fair competition but also highlight a blatant disregard for American sovereignty.

As if to underscore this crisis, Iranian security measures have intensified following Israel’s airstrikes that eliminated prominent Hezbollah leadership.

Supreme Leader Khamenei's reported relocation to a secure site signifies the regime's fear of Israeli retribution, illustrating a precarious hold on power amidst increasing regional volatility.

In stark contrast, those sympathetic to the Harris campaign remain eerily silent, dismissing the implications of foreign interference that could shape the future of U.S. governance.

Whether through enabling Iran’s nuclear ambitions or turning a blind eye to its aggressive actions, the Biden administration appears to be inviting further threat and instability.

The Iranian regime’s meddling in our electoral system is a wake-up call for all Americans.

It prompts a critical examination of whom we trust with our nation's leadership and security.

In this fraught geopolitical climate, the need for decisive action against foreign interference has never been clearer.

As we approach the upcoming elections, the American public must demand transparency and accountability from those in power, ensuring that our democratic institutions remain untainted by foreign influence.


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