Renowned UFO disclosure advocate Dr. Steven Greer continues his crusade against the deep state, despite facing numerous threats and challenges. In a recent interview, Greer revealed that his efforts to engage policymakers, including the White House and Congress, have been met with significant resistance.
Greer's journey began in the 1990s with the inception of the Disclosure Project, which aimed to identify individuals with top-secret clearances who possessed critical information about UFOs. Over the years, Greer and his team have compiled a database of over 700 whistleblowers, though only a fraction have chosen to go public due to fear of retaliation.
The North Carolina native has faced numerous attempts on his own life and has lost several colleagues under suspicious circumstances. Greer has also criticized the deep state, a hidden network of interests that operates beyond regular oversight, for abusing state power both in the U.S. and globally.
Despite the risks associated with his profession, Greer remains steadfastly focused on advancing the goals of the Disclosure Project. He is currently engaging with the White House and Congress to push for hearings and protections for whistleblowers. Greer is also in discussions with people at the House Oversight Committee about having open hearings with firsthand witnesses.
Greer's journey from the world of medicine to UFO disclosure advocate has been a roller coaster of uplifting highs and devastating lows. As history has shown with his predecessors, the dangers he faces are all too real. Will Greer live to see the full realization of his efforts, or will he, like so many before him, meet an untimely end under mysterious circumstances? The answer may lie in how society confronts the truths he seeks to expose.