Climate Alarmism: The Real Existential Threat to Humanity

Submitted by MAGA

Posted 101 days ago

Climate Alarmism is the Existential Threat to Humanity

In a recent speech commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, President Joe Biden made a controversial comparison between the destructive and deadly war and climate change, declaring it as the "only existential threat to humanity, including nuclear weapons." However, a closer examination of the facts reveals that climate change is nowhere near an existential threat, and that the real threat lies in the policies advocated by climate alarmists.

Firstly, it is important to note that the advent of fossil fuels has been the biggest boon for humanity in all of history. The harnessing of these resources has raised billions of people from abject poverty and made modern life possible. Without ample access to fossil fuels, our modern way of life would cease to exist.

However, climate alarmists are hellbent on ending the use of affordable and reliable energy in the form of fossil fuels. This is a horrendous stance that puts millions of lives at risk. Moreover, the slight warming that has occurred over the past half century or so has made life better for humanity. For instance, NASA satellite data show a significant rise in global plant growth in recent decades, what some call global greening. A slightly warmer planet is also beneficial because it produces greater crop yields.

Secondly, climate alarmists demand that the world immediately transitions to so-called renewable energy and achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. However, renewable energy from solar panels and wind farms is too expensive, unreliable, and not nearly scalable. If the world were to shun fossil fuels in favor of wind and solar, the amount of energy available to use would plummet, resulting in devastation across many fronts.

Thirdly, climate alarmists constantly call for degrowth, both in terms of the economy and in terms of population. This is extremely short-sighted and fails to consider that many developed countries are currently experiencing a stark population decline. If this is not reversed, and soon, many of these once-thriving nations will experience severe demographic problems.

Likewise, calls for economic degrowth, which has been a cause célèbre among climate alarmists for many years now, would wreak havoc and would instantly result in decreased living standards for billions of people. This is especially true for several developing countries, which are banking on economic growth and increased prosperity to lift billions from poverty.

Fourth and finally, climate alarmists, whether they realize it or not, are akin to modern-day Luddites because they excoriate innovations and technological breakthroughs. In many ways, climate alarmists are the opposite of progressives because they seek to regress humanity back to a time when creature comforts and access to the latest and greatest technologies were limited to a select few rather than accessible to the masses.

Fortunately, it seems like the climate alarmists are losing ground. Polls show that more and more people are skeptical of the constant fearmongering and are becoming aware of the failed doomsday predictions. This is great news, but it is just the start. Unless and until there is a general consensus that climate alarmism is the problem and that the misguided policies supported by climate alarmists are outright rejected by an overwhelming majority, climate alarmism will remain a grave threat to the future of humanity.


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